Trivial Matters is not a movie, it's an anthology of short films derived from a collection of Edmond Pang Ho-Cheung's short stories. The tone varies wildly, from the raunchy comedy of 'It's a Festival Today' to the rather melancholy 'Recharge' and the absurdity of 'Junior'. There's a lot of pretty frank sex talk in many of the sections, culminating in the fairly explicit 'Recharge'.

The wide variety of tones is the biggest problem with 'Trivial Matters', because it makes the film rather incoherent, and not especially enjoyable to watch in a single sitting - it may be more satisfying to pick a single story to suit one's mood. The second biggest problem is that "Ah Wai the Big Head", by far the longest story (or it seemed like it), is rather boring.

"Hit & Miss" seems like the most appropriate term - worth seeing for the funnier moments, but only at a budget price?

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