Snake Charmer (2002)
There are some really hot chicks in SNAKE CHARMER! Do not let this tempt you to watch it. Yes, they do look great doing seductive bar dancing COYOTE UGLY style. Still, avoid the movie like death itself, because in every other respect the movie is BAD. So bad it makes bad things in general look quite good after all.
It seems to be made for TV, which I suppose excuses it somewhat. (Although why 'made for TV' should be synonymous with 'made badly' I don't know). Definitely it was shot on video, which makes it almost insulting that it comes on an anamorphically enhanced disc. I think the anamorphic enhancement probably just makes it looks worse. Not that it matters, because even if it had a perfect high definition transfer from a flawless film print it would not make the movie worth watching.
Recommended if and ONLY if Krai Thong is your favourite movie from the past 5 years.