Yoshihiro Nishimura (Special Effects)

all Yoshihiro Nishimura movies
One of the great works of cinema (Sunday, May 10, 2020)
Fun and stylish ninja silliness (Saturday, March 25, 2023)
Something went horribly wrong here (Sunday, May 10, 2020)
Another Japanese kids show revival project (Sunday, February 10, 2013)
Noboru Iguchi (Director, Writer) Miu Nakamura Moe Arai Maiko Kawakami Junji Ito (Writer) Jun Tsugita (Writer) Takashi Nakagawa (Soundtrack) Yasutaka Nagano (Cinematographer)
Mostly dull with patches of imagination (Sunday, August 4, 2013)
Rather tepid action/horror/splatter film (Saturday, November 16, 2013)
Some highlights and some lowlights (Saturday, July 24, 2021)