Jung Doo-Hong (South Korea)

all Jung Doo-Hong movies
Yeah, I needed to watch it again (Friday, September 1, 2023)
Urban martial arts action (Saturday, July 4, 2020)
Min Byung-chun (Director) Jung Doo-Hong (Action Director, Actor) Yu Ji-tae Lee Jae-un Seo Rin
Not a film about cyborgs at all, really (Friday, February 20, 2004)
Jang Sun-Woo (Director) Jung Doo-Hong (Action Director, Actor) Lim Eun-Kyeong Kim Hyun-Sung
Train wreck... but pretty (Saturday, April 12, 2003)
Liked it more on subsequent viewings (Friday, May 25, 2012)
Impressive war film from Korea (Saturday, December 11, 2004)
Disappointing follow up to Arahan (Thursday, June 3, 2021)
Reviewed by Simon (Sunday, June 14, 2020)