Tommy Wong (Hong Kong)

all Tommy Wong movies
It's important to be happy, isn't it? (Wednesday, April 28, 2021)
John Woo (Director, Writer) Ching Siu-Tung (Action Director) Lau Chi-Ho (Action Director) Chow Yun-Fat Danny Lee Sau-Yin Sally Yeh Paul Chu Kong Kenneth Tsang Shing Fui-On Tommy Wong James Ha Peter Pau (Cinematographer) Horace Wong (Cinematographer) Lowell Lo (Soundtrack)
Watchable (Monday, May 8, 2006)
Delirious multi-genre piece (Monday, December 17, 2001)
Mad City Hunter, I think they meant ;-) (Saturday, March 23, 2002)
Solid but standard movie (Sunday, February 3, 2002)