Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
A War Named Desire (2000) Stylish gangster tale 2013-01-13 Simon
The Duel (2000) Just about passes as entertainment 2006-01-16 Simon
Conman In Tokyo (2000) Recommended :) 2006-01-08 Simon
Fist Power (2000) Not a well-made film 2006-01-07 Simon
The King Boxer (2000) Watchable kung fu film 2005-11-27 Simon
China Strike Force (2000) Very poor 2004-02-17 Simon
Time And Tide (2000) Classic film 2003-05-13 Simon
Killer (2000) Not recommended 2002-08-08 Simon
Skyline Cruisers (2000) Yes, it really is that bad :( 2002-03-25 Simon
The Blood Rules (2000) Mak's debut shows promise, but he hadn't quite developed it fully 2001-12-24 Simon
A Fighter's Blues (2000) Brutal in the ring and out 2001-07-24 Simon
For Bad Boys Only (2000) Fun fluff 2001-05-27 Simon

Reviews by rating from Hong Kong in the Action genre released in 2000

Reviews by genre from Hong Kong released in 2000

Reviews by country in the Action genre released in 2000