Period Film Reviews

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Killing Machine (1976) Worth a look for Chiba fans, non-essential for everyone else 2012-05-22 Simon
Karate Bear Fighter (1975) Chiba is on peak form 2012-05-22 Simon
Ugetsu (1953) Recommended 2012-05-22 Simon
Ran (Chaos) (1985) Kurosawa despairs at the human condition 2012-05-22 Simon
Butterfly Lovers (2008) Might have enjoyed it more if UK DVD wasn't so misleading 2012-05-03 Simon
White Vengeance (2011) Gorgeous production with interesting characters and plot 2012-04-23 Simon
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (2011) Looks good, but lacks substance 2012-04-21 Simon
Reign Of Assassins (2010) Highly enjoyable 2012-02-15 Simon
Wu Xia (2011) Fresh and well executed 2012-01-06 Simon
Shaolin (2011) nicely made 2011-12-19 Simon
The Supreme Swordsman (1983) Good fun 2011-01-30 Simon
Detective Dee And The Mystery Of The Phantom Flame (2010) Tsui Hark returns to the wu xia genre 2010-12-04 Simon
Ip Man 2 (2010) review... 2010-12-03 Simon
True Legend (2010) Maybe worth a look 2010-12-02 Simon
Little Big Soldier (2009) Well worth a look. 2010-11-10 Simon
Zu: Warriors Of The Magic Mountain (1983) Landmark 2010-11-07 Simon
New Shaolin Boxers (1976) Simple film 2010-11-04 Simon
14 Blades (2010) Forgettable 2010-10-26 Simon
Bodyguards And Assassins (2009) Disappointing 2010-10-26 Simon
Ip Man (2008) Excellent kung fu film 2010-10-26 Simon
Twelve Deadly Coins (1969) Thoroughly enjoyable 2009-07-26 Simon
The Angry River (1971) Worth a look 2009-07-18 Simon
Painted Skin 2008 (2008) Well acted and quite enjoyable 2008-12-08 Simon
Murder Plot (1979) review... 2008-09-04 Simon
The Loot (1980) entertaining martial arts comedy 2008-08-14 Simon
Heads For Sale (1970) Great title 2008-04-12 Simon
An Empress and the Warriors (2008) Feels too much like a "me too!" project 2008-04-02 Simon
Cat And Mouse (2003) not offensively bad 2008-03-09 Simon
Blood Brothers (2007) A bit boring 2008-02-28 Simon
A Warrior's Tragedy (1993) Delirious & visually impressive wuxia piece 2008-02-26 Simon

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