Reviews of films released in 1989

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Dragon Fight (1989) Interesting pairing of two future superstars 2023-11-12 Simon
Angel Enforcers (1989) Messy but delivers the essentials 2023-09-15 Simon
Devil Hunters (1989) Pretty slapdash 2023-08-31 Simon
Aces Go Places V (1989) Aces have mostly gone to other places by this point 2021-04-10 Simon
Violent Cop (1989) A landmark in Japanese cinema 2020-07-11 Simon
Pedicab Driver (1989) Legendary Sammo film finally gets a DVD release 2016-02-20 Simon
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) Perhaps the strangest thing you will ever see 2013-06-10 Simon
Wild Search (1989) Richly characterised tale of redemption and recovery 2012-12-31 Simon
My Heart Is That Eternal Rose (1989) Pretty, but a little vacant 2008-02-15 Simon
The Inspector Wears Skirts II (1989) Not very good 2007-08-30 Simon
Iceman Cometh (1989) Essential for fans of Yuen Biao or Yuen Wah 2005-08-08 Simon
In The Line Of Duty IV (1989) Action packed 2003-07-27 Simon
The Killer (1989) Pretty much defines the "Heroic Bloodshed" genre 2003-05-13 Simon
City Cops (1989) Depends what you're looking for 2003-04-26 Simon
Blonde Fury (1989) Pure action movie 2002-07-22 Simon
God Of Gamblers (1989) No doubt about it, a classic 2002-02-25 Simon
Thunder Cops II (1989) Surprisingly good, but took a while to win me over 2001-12-24 Simon
Casino Raiders (1989) Enjoyable early foray into Gambling Movies 2001-12-08 Simon
Miracles (1989) Jackie flexes his directorial muscles 2001-07-18 Simon

Reviews by rating in the Action genre released in 1989

Reviews by genre released in 1989

Reviews by country in the Action genre released in 1989