Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Missbehavior (2019) Inexplicably bad 2024-05-28 Simon
Dreadnaught (1981) A minor classic of the era 2024-05-19 Simon
Men Suddenly in Black 2 (2006) A solid counterpart to the original 2024-05-19 Simon
The Desperate Chase (1971) Really solid wuxia for its day 2024-05-16 Simon
The Black Rose (1965) Mainly of historical interest 2024-05-05 Simon
92 Legendary La Rose Noire (1992) High grade nonsense 2024-05-02 Simon
Where's Officer Tuba? (1986) Very funny and adorable Sammo film 2024-04-14 Simon
Picture Of A Nymph (1988) A decent knock-off of A Chinese Ghost Story 2024-04-11 Simon
Holy Robe Of Shaolin Temple (1985) Ferocious fight scenes 2024-04-07 Simon
Swordsman and Enchantress (1978) Chor Yuen adapts Gu Long once again 2024-04-01 Simon
Queen's High (1991) Pretty basic Girls With Guns 2024-03-25 Simon
Plain Jane To The Rescue (1982) John Woo shows he can do comedy... sometimes 2024-03-24 Simon
Shaolin Temple (1982) Some of the finest martial arts seen on film 2024-03-18 Simon
The Vengeful Beauty (1978) Imaginative fights 2024-03-03 Simon
The Flying Guillotine II (1978) More remote decapitation fun 2024-02-25 Simon
The Flying Guillotine (1975) Solid action 2024-02-18 Simon
Legend Of The Owl (1981) A very silly film 2024-02-11 Simon
Oh! Yes Sir!!! (1994) Buckets of fun 2024-02-10 Simon
The Magic Crane (1993) Not Film Workshop's finest hour 2024-02-07 Simon
Painted Skin (1993) An ignominious end to a stellar career 2024-01-30 Simon
Oath of Death (1971) Surprisingly gnarly for its time 2024-01-28 Simon
The Cub Tiger from Kwangtung (1973) A strong debut for Jackie Chan 2024-01-14 Simon
The Runaway Pistol (2002) Hyper-black 2024-01-14 Simon
The Secret Rivals (1976) Indie kung fu royalty 2023-12-17 Simon
Inter-Pol (1967) A decent Bond-alike 2023-12-10 Simon
Asia-Pol (1967) Harmless 2023-12-10 Simon
Men Suddenly in Black (2003) One of Hong Kong's smartest comedies 2023-12-09 Simon
Zen of Sword (1992) Solid but not essential Swordsman-like 2023-11-16 Simon
Dragon Fight (1989) Interesting pairing of two future superstars 2023-11-12 Simon
Super Lady Cop (1992) Stupid film with amazing action 2023-11-05 Simon

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