Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Ghost Nursing (1982) Fairly stylish low budget black magic horror 2025-02-04 Simon
The Comet Strikes (1971) Pretty strong effort from Lo Wei 2025-01-27 Simon
Mission Impossible (1971) Interesting twist in the tail 2025-01-19 Simon
Blue Jean Monster (1991) A peculiar sort of horror-comedy 2024-08-19 Simon
Painted Skin (1993) An ignominious end to a stellar career 2024-01-30 Simon
Magic Cop (1990) review... 2023-10-29 Simon
The Happenings (1980) Decent enough delinquents film 2023-05-14 Simon
Holy Virgin Versus The Evil Dead (1991) One of the all-time great film titles! 2022-10-26 Simon
The Seventh Curse (1986) Very enjoyable! 2022-07-09 Simon
Erotic Ghost Story (1990) Barely delivers what the title promises 2021-09-02 Simon
Bat Without Wings (1980) Sadly the KISS makeup is really the best thing about it 2021-06-13 Simon
Human Lanterns (1982) A real masterpiece! 2021-05-24 Simon
Shaolin Drunkard (1983) More Yuen Clan antics 2021-05-23 Simon
Shaolin Vs Evil Dead: Ultimate Power (2006) Cheap and cheesy sequel/prequel that's fun to watch 2021-05-22 Simon
Taoist Priest (2021) It's the 21st century mainland friendly Mr. Vampire 2021-03-08 Simon
Bloody Parrot (1981) Very entertaining! 2021-03-08 Simon
Spooky, Spooky (1988) Nothing special 2020-09-04 Simon
The Ghost Snatchers (1986) Who you gonna call? Not these guys. 2020-08-28 Simon
Wizard's Curse (1992) Crazy fun times 2020-07-30 Simon
The Beheaded 1000 (1993) Random mentalness 2015-04-25 Simon
Dream Home (2010) Bloody, brutal satire of Hong Kong's capitalist love affair 2013-07-11 Simon
We're Going To Eat You (1980) Darkly amusing kung fu horror 2012-11-27 Simon
Burning Paradise (1994) Gothic and macabre wire fu from Ringo Lam 2012-10-30 Simon
The Dead and The Deadly (1982) Very enjoyable supernatural action-comedy 2012-06-26 Simon
Encounters Of The Spooky Kind 2 (1990) Worthy successor 2012-06-22 Simon
Intruder (1997) 1997 anxieties made flesh 2012-04-21 Simon
The Island (1985) Reasonably entertaining. 2009-09-28 Simon
Painted Skin 2008 (2008) Well acted and quite enjoyable 2008-12-08 Simon
Seeding Of A Ghost (1983) Great final scene 2008-08-15 Simon
Gong Tau (2007) interesting throw-back 2008-05-03 Simon

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