Drama Reviews

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Rashomon (1950) Kurosawa looks at the blackness of the human heart 2012-11-13 Simon
Himizu (2011) It's tough to be a teenager. 2012-10-24 Simon
Running On Karma (2003) Repeat viewings mandatory 2012-10-12 Simon
Dreaming Lhasa (2007) Quite enjoyable 2012-06-07 Simon
20:30:40 (2004) A skillful and subtle movie 2012-06-07 Simon
A Bittersweet Life (2005) Will have to watch it again, might have been in the wrong mood 2012-05-30 Simon
One Fine Spring Day (2001) The converse side of a love story 2012-05-25 Simon
Friendship Breakdown (1999) Slick and exciting action movie 2012-05-25 Simon
The Sister-In-Law (1991) a fairly solid drama 2012-05-25 Simon
Teacher Somsri (1985) Pretty good but not a must-see 2012-05-25 Simon
Hotel Angel (1974) Worth seeing if you're a fan of the director 2012-05-25 Simon
The Scarlet Letter (2004) Intense and painful, full of dark emotions 2012-05-25 Simon
The Elephant Keeper (1987) The movie that made me move to Thailand 2012-05-24 Simon
Bullet Wives (2005) should have been so much better 2012-05-24 Simon
Jigoku (1960) An interesting and unique movie 2012-05-22 Simon
Visitor Q (2001) Definitely *not* a film for the easily offended. 2012-05-22 Simon
Ugetsu (1953) Recommended 2012-05-22 Simon
The Taste Of Tea (2004) Something to remind you what films CAN be like 2012-05-22 Simon
True Legend (2010) Maybe worth a look 2010-12-02 Simon
The Island (1985) Reasonably entertaining. 2009-09-28 Simon
Cape No. 7 (2008) Tourism boost for Southern Taiwan 2008-11-08 Simon
Bullet In The Head (1990) As subtle as the title, but also as intense 2008-07-16 Simon
The Pye Dog (2007) mediocre, melodramatic and mostly quite dull 2008-06-09 Simon
Blood Brothers (2007) A bit boring 2008-02-28 Simon
The Drummer (2007) More enjoyable than I'd expected. 2008-02-24 Simon
The Warlords (2007) Decent remake of THE BLOOD BROTHERS (1973) 2008-01-26 Simon
Moonlight In Tokyo (2005) Charming story 2007-09-29 Simon
Simply Actors (2007) Mildly amusing 2007-09-29 Simon
My Name Is Fame (2006) A great homage to Hong Kong's cinematic heritage 2007-06-29 Simon
Shanghai Shanghai (1990) lacks that 'certain something' 2007-05-18 Simon

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