Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
The Comet Strikes (1971) Pretty strong effort from Lo Wei 2025-01-27 Simon
Mission Impossible (1971) Interesting twist in the tail 2025-01-19 Simon
Taoist Priest (2021) It's the 21st century mainland friendly Mr. Vampire 2021-03-08 Simon
We're Going To Eat You (1980) Darkly amusing kung fu horror 2012-11-27 Simon
Burning Paradise (1994) Gothic and macabre wire fu from Ringo Lam 2012-10-30 Simon
The Dead and The Deadly (1982) Very enjoyable supernatural action-comedy 2012-06-26 Simon
Painted Skin 2008 (2008) Well acted and quite enjoyable 2008-12-08 Simon
Gong Tau (2007) interesting throw-back 2008-05-03 Simon
Portrait In Crystal (1983) Fun fantasy wu xia, 80's style 2007-05-24 Simon
Home Sweet Home (2005) Better than your average horror movie 2006-04-22 Simon
Scared Stiff (1987) Just go with the flow 2006-03-02 Simon
Bio Zombie (1998) Quirky and fun low-budget film 2006-01-16 Simon
My Left Eye Sees Ghosts (2002) Solid rom-com in the Milkyway formula 2006-01-08 Simon
New Blood (2002) Essential viewing if you like horror films 2005-10-13 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991) In many ways a retread of the first part 2005-06-28 Simon
Era Of Vampires (2002) Get the Singaporean version 2004-03-15 Simon
Killer Snakes (1974) Gritty urban shocker 2004-01-19 Simon
2002 (2001) Pretty good 'blockbuster' style movie 2002-03-11 Simon
Nightmares In Precinct 7 (2001) Not really a horror movie, but a good thriller 2002-02-17 Simon
Out Of The Dark (1995) An atypical Stephen Chiau film 2002-02-12 Simon

Reviews by rating from Hong Kong in the Horror genre

Reviews by genre from Hong Kong with rating 3.5 stars

Reviews by country in the Horror genre with rating 3.5 stars