Reviews from Japan

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Karate Killer (1973) More stylish grime 2023-12-16 Simon
Karate Kiba (1973) Grimy and stylish 2023-12-16 Simon
Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Giko Awakens (2019) Continues/concludes the BCG story 2022-12-22 Simon
Bloody Chainsaw Girl Returns: Revenge of Nero (2019) Remake of BCG with a new cast 2022-12-22 Simon
Rise of the Machine Girls (2019) A fun throwback to the Golden Age of Japanese Splatter 2022-05-21 Simon
Bloody Chainsaw Girl (2016) Another high school splatter comedy 2021-08-29 Simon
Female Convict Scorpion: Grudge Song (1973) review... 2021-07-06 Simon
Cold Fish (2011) Life is Pain 2021-02-01 Simon
Vampire Girl vs. Frankenstein Girl (2009) Trashy but demented fun 2020-09-19 Simon
Why Don't You Play in Hell? (2013) Sion Sono doing his best Takashi Miike impression 2020-09-14 Simon
The Forest of Love (2019) Cinema is life, you know 2020-08-16 Simon
Meatball Machine (2005) Budget constrained but imaginative 2020-05-10 Simon
Meatball Machine: Kodoku (2017) One of the great works of cinema 2020-05-10 Simon
Red Tears (2011) Rather tepid action/horror/splatter film 2013-11-16 Simon
Zombie Ass: Toilet Of The Dead (2011) Almost justifies all the other zombie movies existence(s) 2013-04-21 Simon
Tokyo Gore Police (2008) Possibly the most outrageous film ever made? 2013-04-07 Simon
Dead Sushi (2012) Any sushi that sings that good can't be all bad! 2013-01-26 Simon
Deadball (2011) Splattery and demented, but not as good as it could be 2013-01-25 Simon
The Machine Girl (2008) Greatest film ever? 2012-10-15 Simon
The Streetfighter (1974) Highly (but selectively) recommended! 2012-05-22 Simon
Hard Revenge Milly (2008) More Japanese ultra-violence 2010-10-14 Simon
Robogeisha (2009) A vehicle for an amazing imagination 2010-10-14 Simon
The Streetfighter's Last Revenge (1974) Continues the downhill trend of the series 2006-03-15 Simon
Suicide Circle (2001) Pretty intense 2003-02-21 Simon

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