Horror Reviews

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Ghost Nursing (1982) Fairly stylish low budget black magic horror 2025-02-04 Simon
Mad Cats (2023) A tonal jumble that didn't work for me 2024-08-14 Simon
Fantasy Mission Force (1983) Well it's different... 2024-04-08 Simon
Painted Skin (1993) An ignominious end to a stellar career 2024-01-30 Simon
Lesson of the Evil: Prologue (2012) Not clear what purpose this serves 2022-07-27 Simon
Erotic Ghost Story (1990) Barely delivers what the title promises 2021-09-02 Simon
Rape Zombie: Lust of the Dead 2 & 3 (2013) Harder to defend than the first film 2021-08-28 Simon
Bat Without Wings (1980) Sadly the KISS makeup is really the best thing about it 2021-06-13 Simon
Shaolin Drunkard (1983) More Yuen Clan antics 2021-05-23 Simon
Vampire Clay (2017) What if some clay was a vampire? 2021-04-02 Simon
Spooky, Spooky (1988) Nothing special 2020-09-04 Simon
The Ghost Snatchers (1986) Who you gonna call? Not these guys. 2020-08-28 Simon
Lesson of the Evil (2012) Another high school nightmare from Japan 2014-03-09 Simon
Red Tears (2011) Rather tepid action/horror/splatter film 2013-11-16 Simon
Tomie: Unlimited (2011) Mostly dull with patches of imagination 2013-08-04 Simon
Curse Of The Sun (2004) Bad in a good way, sorta 2012-05-24 Simon
Bless This House (1988) occasional moments of fun 2007-08-22 Simon
Haunted Cop Shop (1987) watchable 2006-05-10 Simon
Fake Ghost Catchers (1982) Suffers from a weak script 2005-08-09 Simon
One Missed Call (2003) Cliched and redundant 2005-06-12 Simon
Ghost Ballroom (1989) Entertainingly bad 2004-06-30 Simon
Mortuary Blues (1990) Nothing remarkable 2002-05-22 Simon
Witch From Nepal (1986) Messy but not unentertaining 2001-10-16 Simon

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