Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Z Storm (2014) Wherever there is corruption... there is the ICAC 2020-03-05 Simon
The Midnight After (2014) Uneven and ultimately a bit unsatisfying 2015-01-17 Simon
Fairy Tale Killer (2012) Serial killer film that never really goes anywhere 2014-08-09 Simon
Iceman 3D (2013) Not as good as the original 2014-07-31 Simon
A Chinese Legend (1991) Yet another knock-off of A CHINESE GHOST STORY 2013-05-03 Simon
Hero (Corey Yuen) (1997) Inferior remake of BOXER FROM SHANTUNG 2013-02-18 Simon
The Bride With White Hair 2 (1993) Another sequel that doesn't seem to understand why we loved the original 2013-01-03 Simon
Five Element Ninjas (1982) Interesting ideas, uninspired execution 2012-11-09 Simon
Mr. Vampire II (1986) Never kiss a vampire 2012-11-05 Simon
Spiritual Kung Fu (1978) No classic but worth a look 2012-08-31 Simon
Flying Swords of Dragon Gate (2011) Looks good, but lacks substance 2012-04-21 Simon
Iron Angels (1987) Schizophrenic but fun 2010-11-09 Simon
Fatal Move (2008) Clearly inspired by SPL 2008-11-11 Simon
Triangle (2007) As messy as you'd expect 2008-04-22 Simon
Trivial Matters (2007) Hit & Miss 2008-03-14 Simon
Iron Buddha (1970) Watchable, but not very good 2008-02-07 Simon
Bless This House (1988) occasional moments of fun 2007-08-22 Simon
Men from the Monastery (1974) Perhaps hasn't aged well 2007-07-30 Simon
Five Superfighters (1979) Pretty dumb 2007-06-26 Simon
Heavenly Mission (2006) 5/10, being generous 2007-05-13 Simon
The Black Lizard (1981) Production line Chor Yuen 2007-05-02 Simon
Fatal Termination (1990) Basically forgettable 2007-04-24 Simon
Ah Sou (Mob Sister) (2005) Starts off well, then shoots its leg off 2007-03-23 Simon
Lethal Ninja (2006) review... 2007-02-04 Simon
Convict Killer (1980) Mediocre wu xia 2006-11-06 Simon
The Mighty One (1971) Muddled plot, inventive action 2006-09-14 Simon
Haunted Cop Shop (1987) watchable 2006-05-10 Simon
Clan Of Amazons (1978) Weak Chor Yuen/Ku Long collaboration 2006-01-17 Simon
Inspector Pink Dragon (1991) Mediocre 2005-10-23 Simon
The Lady Professional (1971) Some good scenes, some awful 2005-09-23 Simon

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