Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Cub Tiger From Kwangtung (1973) Actually quite good 2008-07-16 Simon
Bullet & Brain (2007) Cheap & Cheerful 2008-02-18 Simon
My Heart Is That Eternal Rose (1989) Pretty, but a little vacant 2008-02-15 Simon
Simply Actors (2007) Mildly amusing 2007-09-29 Simon
He Lives By Night (1982) Strange film 2007-07-29 Simon
The Silent Swordsman (1967) Fairly good for the time 2007-07-25 Simon
Wo Hu (2006) Shameless, but enjoyable 2007-06-17 Simon
Shanghai Shanghai (1990) lacks that 'certain something' 2007-05-18 Simon
Duel For Gold (1971) Chor Yuen's first film for Shaw Brothers 2007-04-02 Simon
Opium And The Kung-Fu Master (1984) not awful, but not that great either 2007-03-01 Simon
The Fortune Code (1990) Not great cinema, but mostly harmless. 2007-02-07 Simon
Election II (2006) review... 2006-11-14 Simon
Flag Of Iron (1980) Standard Venoms stuff 2006-08-21 Simon
Dragon Loaded 2003 (2003) OK bit of HK comedy 2006-06-28 Simon
That Man In Chang-An (1967) Dated but moderately entertaining 2006-06-19 Simon
Thunderbolt Fist (1972) Mostly bad film, but good action 2006-06-11 Simon
Ten Tigers Of Kwantung (1979) Disposable kung fu 2006-05-01 Simon
The Fastest Sword (1968) Decent swordplay film 2006-04-15 Simon
Legend Of The Dragon (1991) Lower rung Chiau, but passable 2006-03-11 Simon
The Proud Youth (1978) A decent film, but not remarkable 2006-02-02 Simon
Shaolin Vs Evil Dead (2004) Enjoyable throwback 2006-01-21 Simon
Duel Of The Century (1981) A decent enough Chor Yuen/Ku Long film 2006-01-16 Simon
Last Eunuch in China (1988) review... 2006-01-16 Simon
Dragon Squad (2005) Daft script but INTENSE action 2006-01-14 Simon
Return Of Bastard Swordsman (1984) Enjoyably daft 2006-01-12 Simon
Extreme Challenge (2001) Cheap and cheesy 2006-01-08 Simon
The King Boxer (2000) Watchable kung fu film 2005-11-27 Simon
Gameboy Kids (1992) Great in parts, not in others 2005-11-13 Simon
Seoul Raiders (2005) Enjoyable but disposable 2005-11-10 Simon
The Swordmates (1969) Distinctly average 2005-10-27 Simon

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