Reviews from Japan

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Killing Machine (1976) Worth a look for Chiba fans, non-essential for everyone else 2012-05-22 Simon
Karate Bear Fighter (1975) Chiba is on peak form 2012-05-22 Simon
Girl Boss Guerilla (1972) Enjoyable, if still far from exceptional 2012-05-22 Simon
Death Trance (2006) Similar to Versus but not as good 2012-05-22 Simon
Sister Streetfighter: Hanging By A Thread (1974) Good trashy fun once again 2012-05-22 Simon
Sister Streetfighter (1974) Sleazy, violent and quite dumb - just how we like 'em! 2012-05-22 Simon
The Streetfighter (1974) Highly (but selectively) recommended! 2012-05-22 Simon
Osaka Tough Guys (1995) Not recommended 2012-05-22 Simon
Ichi The Killer (2001) A dazzlingly unique and creative movie 2012-05-22 Simon
Black Angel (1997) Vague recommendation 2012-05-22 Simon
Cromartie High - The Movie (2005) Weird, but not good 2012-05-21 Simon
Female Yakuza Tale (1973) review... 2012-05-21 Simon
Hard Revenge Milly (2008) More Japanese ultra-violence 2010-10-14 Simon
Robogeisha (2009) A vehicle for an amazing imagination 2010-10-14 Simon
L: Change The World (2008) poorly conceived and badly written 2008-02-15 Simon
Golgo 13 - Assignment Kowloon (1977) Poorly written, acted and directed 2007-06-06 Simon
Japan Sinks (2006) Will make you wish it had 2007-04-17 Simon
Black Cat's Revenge (1970) Intriguing mix of styles and moods 2006-08-13 Simon
Calamari Wrestler (2004) Not quite brilliant, but interesting enough to receive a recommendation 2006-07-13 Simon
Godzilla: Final Wars (2004) Terrible until the last 40 minutes 2006-03-31 Simon
The Executioner II (1974) Seems not to have understand why we liked the original! 2006-03-25 Simon
The Streetfighter's Last Revenge (1974) Continues the downhill trend of the series 2006-03-15 Simon
Return Of The Streetfighter (1974) Neither as gory or as good as the original 2006-03-14 Simon
The Executioner (1974) Remember it's a ninja film and enjoy it! 2006-03-05 Simon
The Great Yokai War (2005) Miike unleashes his imagination in less deviant lands 2005-11-13 Simon
Yakuza Deka II (1970) Exceedingly silly 2005-09-28 Simon
Yakuza Deka (1970) Fun 70's camp 2005-09-28 Simon
Sukeban Deka (1987) Cheesy, violent fun 2005-07-15 Simon
The Way To Fight (1996) Enjoyable low-key drama 2005-06-12 Simon
Kikoku (2003) Disappointingly generic Yakuza movie from Miike 2005-03-16 Simon

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