Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Bless This House (1988) occasional moments of fun 2007-08-22 Simon
He Lives By Night (1982) Strange film 2007-07-29 Simon
Portrait In Crystal (1983) Fun fantasy wu xia, 80's style 2007-05-24 Simon
Snake Prince (1976) Quite awful, but definitely different 2007-02-05 Simon
Haunted Cop Shop (1987) watchable 2006-05-10 Simon
Home Sweet Home (2005) Better than your average horror movie 2006-04-22 Simon
Scared Stiff (1987) Just go with the flow 2006-03-02 Simon
Shaolin Vs Evil Dead (2004) Enjoyable throwback 2006-01-21 Simon
Bio Zombie (1998) Quirky and fun low-budget film 2006-01-16 Simon
Victim (1999) A welcome return to the fold 2006-01-08 Simon
Wicked Ghost (1999) Mediocre RINGU knock-off 2006-01-08 Simon
Snake Charmer (2002) So bad it makes bad things in general look quite good 2006-01-08 Simon
My Left Eye Sees Ghosts (2002) Solid rom-com in the Milkyway formula 2006-01-08 Simon
New Blood (2002) Essential viewing if you like horror films 2005-10-13 Simon
Satan Returns (1996) Not good, but entertaining 2005-10-09 Simon
Ebola Syndrome (1996) So wrong it's... wonderful! 2005-10-09 Simon
The Stewardess (2002) Clever black comedy-horror 2005-09-20 Simon
Fake Ghost Catchers (1982) Suffers from a weak script 2005-08-09 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991) In many ways a retread of the first part 2005-06-28 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990) cash-in with more comedy (but less funny) 2005-06-28 Simon
The Enchantress (1983) a difficult one to rate 2005-02-27 Simon
Bamboo House Of Dolls (1973) covers all the bases 2005-02-13 Simon
Ghost Ballroom (1989) Entertainingly bad 2004-06-30 Simon
Era Of Vampires (2002) Get the Singaporean version 2004-03-15 Simon
Black Magic (1975) Decent enough horror/exploitation film 2004-02-25 Simon
Killer Snakes (1974) Gritty urban shocker 2004-01-19 Simon
Mr. Vampire III (1987) a worthy enough entry in the series 2003-05-11 Simon
The Trail (1983) Weird 2003-02-25 Simon
To Hell With The Devil (1982) To Hell with this movie :p 2003-01-05 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story (1987) Seminal work of sublime beauty 2002-12-01 Simon

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