Reviews from Hong Kong

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Spiritual Trinity (1991) review... 2002-08-08 Simon
Red and Black (1991) unique and quite satisfying 2002-07-08 Simon
Inner Senses (2002) Pretty stupid 2002-05-26 Simon
Red To Kill (1994) Pretty despicable 2002-05-22 Simon
Mortuary Blues (1990) Nothing remarkable 2002-05-22 Simon
Encounters Of The Spooky Kind (1980) One of the finest movies ever made! 2002-05-11 Simon
Abracadabra (1986) Not very good 2002-04-23 Simon
Nude Fear (1998) Worth seeing, but not a must-see. 2002-04-14 Simon
My Cousin The Ghost (1987) Didn't appear to be worth finishing 2002-04-14 Simon
Vampire Controller (2001) Uninspired, dull. 2002-03-27 Simon
2002 (2001) Pretty good 'blockbuster' style movie 2002-03-11 Simon
Ghostly Bus (1995) Marvellous low budget gem 2002-03-10 Simon
Wicked City (1992) Insanely ambitious, even by Tsui Hark standards 2002-02-25 Simon
The Demon's Baby (1998) Not good 2002-02-20 Simon
Eternal Evil Of Asia (1995) Cat III masterpiece 2002-02-19 Simon
Nightmares In Precinct 7 (2001) Not really a horror movie, but a good thriller 2002-02-17 Simon
Spooky Family (1990) Splendid fun 2002-02-13 Simon
Out Of The Dark (1995) An atypical Stephen Chiau film 2002-02-12 Simon
Operation Pink Squad II (1990) Lunatic and immensely stupid, but charming 2002-01-08 Simon
Magic Cop (1990) Excellent Mr Vampire spinoff 2002-01-06 Simon
My Flying Wife (1991) Delirious multi-genre piece 2001-12-17 Simon
Golden Swallow (1987) Pretty Ghost story 2001-11-18 Simon
Witch From Nepal (1986) Messy but not unentertaining 2001-10-16 Simon
Vampire Combat (2001) Like the 21st century never happened 2001-06-12 Simon
Painted Skin (1993) Not bad, not great 2001-05-29 Simon

Reviews by rating from Hong Kong in the Horror genre

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