Action Reviews

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Skylin3s (2020) Easy to watch but pretty dumb 2021-03-20 Simon
The Lady Is the Boss (1983) Great fights but cringingly dated fashions 2021-03-13 Simon
Operation Condor (1991) Undoubtedly expensive but lacking something 2021-03-07 Simon
Paradox (2017) A time of stunt doubles 2021-02-20 Simon
High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky (2017) More posing and fighting 2020-12-12 Simon
Killer's Nocturne (1987) Chin Siu-Ho fights a kangaroo 2020-06-14 Simon
Shanghai 13 (1984) Chang Cheh goes indie 2015-02-18 Simon
Karate-Robo Zaborgar (2011) Another Japanese kids show revival project 2013-02-10 Simon
Deadball (2011) Splattery and demented, but not as good as it could be 2013-01-25 Simon
Yatterman (2009) Too adult for kids, too childish for adults? 2012-11-19 Simon
She's On Duty (2005) not much you won't have seen before 2012-05-25 Simon
Yaowarat (2003) a passable diversion 2012-05-25 Simon
Hitman File (2005) Confusing 2012-05-25 Simon
Killing Machine (1976) Worth a look for Chiba fans, non-essential for everyone else 2012-05-22 Simon
Girl Boss Guerilla (1972) Enjoyable, if still far from exceptional 2012-05-22 Simon
The Sorcerer And The White Snake (2011) Pretty, but nothing to write home about 2011-12-19 Simon
Cub Tiger From Kwangtung (1973) Actually quite good 2008-07-16 Simon
My Heart Is That Eternal Rose (1989) Pretty, but a little vacant 2008-02-15 Simon
The Fortune Code (1990) Not great cinema, but mostly harmless. 2007-02-07 Simon
Dragon Loaded 2003 (2003) OK bit of HK comedy 2006-06-28 Simon
Kaante (2002) Could have been something more 2006-03-18 Simon
Yamakasi 2: The Great Challenge (2004) Love the stars, hate the director 2006-02-03 Simon
Shaolin Vs Evil Dead (2004) Enjoyable throwback 2006-01-21 Simon
Dragon Squad (2005) Daft script but INTENSE action 2006-01-14 Simon
Extreme Challenge (2001) Cheap and cheesy 2006-01-08 Simon
The King Boxer (2000) Watchable kung fu film 2005-11-27 Simon
Gameboy Kids (1992) Great in parts, not in others 2005-11-13 Simon
Seoul Raiders (2005) Enjoyable but disposable 2005-11-10 Simon
Satan Returns (1996) Not good, but entertaining 2005-10-09 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990) cash-in with more comedy (but less funny) 2005-06-28 Simon

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