Period Film Reviews

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
The Golden Seal (1971) Nice wu xia pian 2006-10-09 Simon
Hapkido (1972) For martial arts fans 2006-10-07 Simon
Chinese Iron Man (1973) Great action 2006-05-19 Simon
The Sword And The Lute (1967) Good example of the genre 2006-05-18 Simon
The Young Avenger (1972) A bit muddled, but entertaining 2006-05-15 Simon
The Proud Twins (1979) a pretty solid piece of wu xia 2006-04-21 Simon
The Promise (2005) Strange but good 2006-04-17 Simon
Swordsman At Large (1971) Pretty decent 2006-04-09 Simon
Return Of The Sentimental Swordsman (1981) Another pretty wu-xia from Chor Yuen 2005-11-15 Simon
Tiger Killer (1982) Solid period melodrama 2005-10-08 Simon
Dirty Ho (1979) Much ado about nothing 2005-09-12 Simon
Ode To Gallantry (1982) Good story, a bit short on fights 2005-08-15 Simon
Wing Chun (1994) a decent piece of entertainment 2005-08-04 Simon
Deadly Breaking Sword (1979) Good story, needed better fights 2005-07-31 Simon
The Lady Assassin (1983) Some amazing action scenes 2005-07-04 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991) In many ways a retread of the first part 2005-06-28 Simon
The Invincible Fist (1969) Above average 2005-05-29 Simon
A Deadly Secret (1980) Better than average 2005-05-12 Simon
Sword In The Moon (2003) Decent attempt at wu xia from South Korea 2005-01-01 Simon
The Golden Sword (1969) Decent wu xia film 2004-11-16 Simon
Spiritual Boxer (1975) Lau Kar-Leung's directorial debut 2004-10-22 Simon
Sabu (Movie) (2002) Not a samurai movie as advertised 2004-10-13 Simon
House Of Flying Daggers (2004) Beautiful to look at 2004-10-12 Simon
The Sentimental Swordsman (1977) Very beautiful and quite enjoyable 2004-05-22 Simon
Invincible Shaolin (1978) Chang Cheh's response to 36th Chamber Of Shaolin 2004-01-19 Simon
Little Dragon Maiden (1983) Fun fantasy wuxia 2003-10-11 Simon
Trail Of The Broken Blade (1967) One of the better swordplay films of its era 2003-07-27 Simon
36th Chamber Of Shaolin (1978) Essential for kung fu fans 2003-06-08 Simon
Iron Bodyguard (1973) A generally worthy film 2003-05-11 Simon
Fong Sai Yuk II (1993) Not quite as good as the original 2003-04-27 Simon

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