
Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
The Machine Girl (2008) Greatest film ever? 2012-10-15 Simon
Audition (1999) A more sophisticated film than it is given credit for 2012-10-15 Simon
Running On Karma (2003) Repeat viewings mandatory 2012-10-12 Simon
The Raid: Redemption (2011) Better than ONG BAK 2012-10-11 Simon
Warriors Two (1978) Classic showcase of Wing Chun 2012-10-04 Simon
Mr. Vampire (1985) Genre defining classic 2012-10-02 Simon
Serial Experiments Lain (1998) Genuinely creepy 2012-09-29 Simon
Spirited Away (2001) A fine piece of imaginative strangeness 2012-09-29 Simon
Gerd Ma Lui (1984) Crazy Thai action 2012-09-28 Simon
Spiritual Kung Fu (1978) No classic but worth a look 2012-08-31 Simon
To Live And Die In TsimShaTsui (1994) Probably better than it should have been 2012-06-30 Simon
The Dead and The Deadly (1982) Very enjoyable supernatural action-comedy 2012-06-26 Simon
Encounters Of The Spooky Kind 2 (1990) Worthy successor 2012-06-22 Simon
A Chinese Odyssey (1995) Confusing and ambitious 2012-06-18 Simon
Life Without Principle (2011) To takes on economics 2012-06-14 Simon
Dreaming Lhasa (2007) Quite enjoyable 2012-06-07 Simon
20:30:40 (2004) A skillful and subtle movie 2012-06-07 Simon
Chivalrous Legend (1999) Enjoyable period piece 2012-06-07 Simon
A Bittersweet Life (2005) Will have to watch it again, might have been in the wrong mood 2012-05-30 Simon
Spider Forest (2004) Some interesting ideas but not worth watching the film for 2012-05-25 Simon
Shiri (1999) Liked it more on subsequent viewings 2012-05-25 Simon
She's On Duty (2005) not much you won't have seen before 2012-05-25 Simon
Shadowless Sword (2005) Probably a bad film but it's at least kind of pretty 2012-05-25 Simon
Romantic Warriors (2003) A great "might have been" film 2012-05-25 Simon
One Fine Spring Day (2001) The converse side of a love story 2012-05-25 Simon
Last Witness (2001) Not a bad movie, not really a good one 2012-05-25 Simon
Once Upon A Battlefield (2003) Not great, not bad, just OK 2012-05-25 Simon
Hi, Dharma 2 - Showdown In Seoul (2005) vapid and tired 2012-05-25 Simon
Hi, Dharma! (2002) Fairly enjoyable "Gangster out of water" comedy 2012-05-25 Simon
The Duelist (2005) a very enjoyable piece of cinema 2012-05-25 Simon

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