Action Reviews

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Crying Fist (2005) Crying Audience 2005-07-31 Simon
Knight Errant (1973) Enthusiasts only 2005-07-22 Simon
Women On The Run (1993) Overlooked minor-classic 2005-07-17 Simon
Fallen Angels (1995) Love it or hate it, but be sure to see it 2005-07-16 Simon
Sukeban Deka (1987) Cheesy, violent fun 2005-07-15 Simon
Heat Team (2004) Messy but enjoyable 2005-07-15 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991) In many ways a retread of the first part 2005-06-28 Simon
A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990) cash-in with more comedy (but less funny) 2005-06-28 Simon
House Of Fury (2005) Slightly disappointing but still good 2005-06-23 Simon
The Way To Fight (1996) Enjoyable low-key drama 2005-06-12 Simon
Nid De Guepes (2002) Incredibly intense 2005-06-07 Simon
Land Of The Dead (2005) Everyone involved in the film should be bitten by zombies. 2005-05-25 Simon
My Hero (1990) Remarkably random 2005-04-24 Simon
Banlieue 13 (2004) Great ACTION film (don't go looking for deep plot) 2005-04-13 Simon
Explosive City (2004) Good entertaining cinema, HK style 2005-04-10 Simon
The Master (1992) One of the worst films ever made 2005-04-04 Simon
Kikoku (2003) Disappointingly generic Yakuza movie from Miike 2005-03-16 Simon
Casshern (2004) Style over substance, but very very stylish 2005-03-12 Simon
Bang Rajan (2000) Slightly messy but dramatic and gory epic 2005-02-28 Simon
Bamboo House Of Dolls (1973) covers all the bases 2005-02-13 Simon
TaeGukGi (2004) Impressive war film from Korea 2004-12-11 Simon
Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence (2004) Pretentious as hell, but undeniably beautiful 2004-11-08 Simon
Cutie Honey (2004) Super-cutie and super-silly 2004-11-08 Simon
Angel With The Iron Fists (1967) Camp James Bond knock-off 2004-11-02 Simon
Twins Effect II (2004) Should have been better 2004-10-23 Simon
Ballistic Kiss (1998) Stylish but cliched and pretentious 2004-10-16 Simon
Headless Hero II (2004) Another sequel that loses the charms of the original 2004-10-12 Simon
Can't Live Without Robbery (2003) Highly recommended! 2004-09-23 Simon
Battlefield Baseball (2003) Interesting curio 2004-09-20 Simon
Bodyguard Kiba (1993) Worth a watch 2004-08-12 Simon

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