Reviews from Japan

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
My Blood And Bones in a Flowing Galaxy (2021) Sabu in dark mode 2021-06-04 Simon
Big Bang Love: Juvenile A (2006) Enigmatic and thought provoking, but is it art? 2021-06-01 Simon
Laplace's Witch (2018) Competent but generic murder mystery 2021-05-20 Simon
Shin Godzilla (2016) Mostly awful but Godzilla is pretty awesome 2021-05-17 Simon
Red Post On Escher Street (2020) My face isn't a crowd 2021-05-15 Simon
Hanagatami (2017) If war is worth dying for, so is a festival 2021-05-14 Simon
Ninja Scroll (1993) Peak ninja 2021-04-24 Simon
Miss Zombie (2013) The PARASITE of zombie films 2021-04-10 Simon
Dai Kaiju Mono (2016) Don't you want to be a big strong man? 2021-04-03 Simon
Vampire Clay (2017) What if some clay was a vampire? 2021-04-02 Simon
A Bride For Rip Van Winkle (2016) Maybe marriage isn't for some people 2021-04-02 Simon
Usagi Drop (2011) Adventures in unexpected parenthood 2021-03-28 Simon
Drive (2002) Shut up and drive 2021-03-22 Simon
Hold Up Down (2005) People who have little to forgive have little to love 2021-03-21 Simon
High & Low The Movie 3: Final Mission (2017) A new low bar for the franchise 2021-03-21 Simon
Hazard (2006) Sleepy but restless 2021-03-18 Simon
Unlucky Monkey (1998) Crime and punishment 2021-03-15 Simon
Dangan Runner (1996) Absurdity becomes transcendence 2021-03-11 Simon
Before We Vanish (2017) Interesting concept but rather sterile execution 2021-03-06 Simon
Mr. Long (2017) Act cool and don't say anything 2021-02-21 Simon
Red Blade (2018) It all starts when the book sucks your blood 2021-02-14 Simon
Balloon Club, Afterwards (2006) The limitless potential of youth 2021-02-08 Simon
Cold Fish (2011) Life is Pain 2021-02-01 Simon
Tokyo Dragon Chef (2020) Wacky foodie film hampered by zero budget 2021-01-31 Simon
The Fable (2019) Slick action comedy with blockbuster potential 2021-01-18 Simon
A Scene At The Sea (1991) A quieter, more contemplative Kitano film 2021-01-17 Simon
Love Exposure (2009) It's holier than a hard-on. It's about love. 2021-01-16 Simon
Exte: Hair Extensions (2007) A Sion Sono film 2021-01-03 Simon
High & Low The Movie 2: End of Sky (2017) More posing and fighting 2020-12-12 Simon
Rage (2016) review... 2020-11-01 Simon

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