Reviews from Japan

Superlative - everyone should see this
Great, a must-see if you like the genre
Good, a decent example of the genre
Watchable, but only for serious genre fans
Half stars could have gone either way depending on mood.
Movie Name / Release Year Rating Summary Date Reviewer
Meatball Machine: Kodoku (2017) One of the great works of cinema 2020-05-10 Simon
Girl's Blood (2014) Largely inexplicable fusion of elements but somehow it works 2019-11-16 Simon
Rurouni Kenshin: Kyoto Inferno (2014) Just as enjoyable and well made as the first film 2016-01-31 Simon
God's Puzzle (2008) Miike takes on the universe 2015-01-25 Simon
R100 (2013) Only in Japan 2014-10-05 Simon
Lesson of the Evil (2012) Another high school nightmare from Japan 2014-03-09 Simon
Confessions (2010) One sin leads to another 2014-03-08 Simon
The Land Of Hope (2012) Gently urgent warning about Fukushima 2014-01-05 Simon
Sonatine (1993) Beautifully meditative take on the yakuza film 2013-12-15 Simon
Red Tears (2011) Rather tepid action/horror/splatter film 2013-11-16 Simon
Tomie: Unlimited (2011) Mostly dull with patches of imagination 2013-08-04 Simon
Tetsuo: The Iron Man (1989) Perhaps the strangest thing you will ever see 2013-06-10 Simon
Sukiyaki Western Django (2007) Strange beast, merits a second viewing 2013-06-09 Simon
Parasite Doctor Suzune: Genesis (2011) Cosplay soft porn 2013-05-26 Simon
The Foreign Duck, The Native Duck And God In A Coin Locker (2007) Ducks and Dylan 2013-05-26 Simon
Isn't Anyone Alive? (2012) Definitely interesting, but not sure if I liked it 2013-05-25 Simon
Gothic & Lolita Psycho (2010) Great name, good trailer... that's about it though 2013-05-04 Simon
Fish Story (2009) Can music save the world? 2013-05-03 Simon
Zombie Ass: Toilet Of The Dead (2011) Almost justifies all the other zombie movies existence(s) 2013-04-21 Simon
Tokyo Gore Police (2008) Possibly the most outrageous film ever made? 2013-04-07 Simon
Detective Story (2007) Name pretty much sums it up 2013-04-05 Simon
High Kick Girl (2009) Good Karate showcase disguised as a film 2013-03-31 Simon
Karate-Robo Zaborgar (2011) Another Japanese kids show revival project 2013-02-10 Simon
The Girl Who Leapt Through Time (2006) Beautiful contemplation on the bittersweet years of adolescence 2013-02-02 Simon
Dead Sushi (2012) Any sushi that sings that good can't be all bad! 2013-01-26 Simon
Deadball (2011) Splattery and demented, but not as good as it could be 2013-01-25 Simon
Throne Of Blood (1957) Kurosawa's interpretation of Macbeth 2013-01-04 Simon
Like A Dragon (2007) Miike finds another fresh way to take on the Yakuza genre 2012-12-05 Simon
Villain (2010) A film of two halves... neither very good 2012-11-25 Simon
Kotoko (2011) A journey into a very troubled mind 2012-11-22 Simon

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